Saturday, October 08, 2005

12 days, or light at the end of the tunnel?

CRIPES! I am still pregnant.

The bean isn't officially due for another 12 days, but this has GOT to end.

I know that everyone advises to "enjoy" this quiet time before her arrival, but how is that possible when I have to roll myself off the couch every 15 minutes to pee, when my dreams are focused on Paris Hilton's engagement breakup (I have no excuse or explanation for that one), when my cats think it is the new game to stay up and play with me all night long, and when I have eaten us out of every food item??? Please, have mercy!

Okay - and eating spicy foods, having sex, and walking long distances has done NOTHING to naturally induce labor as we all have heard. Nada. The Bitch doctor - who has since apologized for listing me as a druggie with Baltimore City and another tox screen (clean one, obviosuly) has been submitted to the city - even tried to thin my membranes this past Tuesday, which supposedly sends her patients into labor within a day. NOT ME! Nope! Still here with 35 lbs of preggo self silently screaming for relief and maybe some pancakes with whipped cream?

And my face is fat. I swear it is.

Handsome and I have decided that we would like to try this bringing home baby thing alone, without the barrage of family and friends for the first couple of days...I want time to be with my new family, and although help will be MOST welcome and needed in the coming weeks, I want to really cocoon myslef into our little rowhouse and marvel at this new beginning with the two of them, even if my dream of warm and fuzzy moments are stomped on by crying and sore nipples and sleep deprivation. I am not sure it will feel real until we bunker down and figure things out a bit before bringing in the troops.

Well, if you are reading this, please send me a positive thought or two, and wishes for labor.


Blogger Dex said...

aha! tunnel! light at the end of it! i get it!

2:13 PM  

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