Mano e Mano

Change is not easy, nor is it comfortable, but it is absolutely necessary.
It seems that as of late, the universe wants to remind me, or educate me, about growth. That loss and love are one in the same. That I cannot grow without some of the pain that comes with saying adios to an old friend, or the rough scratches I am getting when I try to move out of my comfort zones.
It doesn't feel great to shed some of the friendships and patterns that I thought made me ME, but at the same time, it does feel exciting and refreshing.
I know that separating from bad influences, people who waste my time, bad horrible jobs, people who don't appreciate my daughter, and things that fuck with my normal schedule is necessary. If I don't make these changes now, I can't imagine how much crankier I am going to get.
Not for not just my own growth, but because I hope that the Bean always can look up to me for being strong, intelligent, and fearless, and unafraid of change.
And on another separation issue, I think I am just going to throw in the towel in regards to my book group as well. A complete Devine overhaul! We have been meeting for about 4 years now, and the time has come for us to all move onto other literary conversations. I think we all just annoy each other with our own predictable behavior and blah-de-blah literary opinions.
This epiphany came when two hens in the group clucked on and on and on about the bad acoustics in my house, and how it just wasn't suitable for book group discussions. Short of booking the Meyerhofff for the next meeting, I think it would be best to let them do their own hearing challenged meeting without the likes of the Devine to block any of their squawking. I don't want to absorb any more of their discussions.
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