Not a Pretty Girl

(Hey! Fuck You!)
And he even set me up for the delivery of this opinion by telling me that "most people don't understand my backhanded ways of giving a compliment."
(You sure are right, buddy, I don't understand. And how about another FUCK YOU?)
Last week, while hosting a St. Patrick's Day meal that made me gag purely because I can no longer stand the sight, smell or suggestion of meat, my MIL (on her 19th glass of wine that she kept exclaiming was the Best Wine She Had Ever Had - it was the $13 box wine - love it!) thought it very timely to tell me that "leaving Hopkins, no matter how degrading the job was, was a bad idea."
(Yes, indeed. What a terrible, stupid idea. Thanks so much for your unsolicited and drunken wisdom!)
It would seem that I am getting a lot of unsolicited advice and drunken comments lately, but that kind of bravado in some people makes me smile.
Like people might think I am actually listening.
In happier family experiences, we were in IKEA yesterday in the everlasting quest for the perfect wooden box for Handsome to turn into a lamp, and somehow we bought a really ugly blue tent for the Bean along with two stuffed monkeys that she called "MON-cookies." Handsome commented that we shall never refer to them as anything else now, which is true. Moncookie. The Bean was nervous about the tent at first, but after bringing in a bunch of her toys and plopping myself in the middle of it, she joined me in the tent for some hardcore playing and rearranging of all her items.
Again, another day I wish I could just hold onto, pretty gal or not. Ah dinnae ken!
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