Feelings about the Neighborhood Fall Flat

Lesson learned: do not bake 5 cakes, 36 cupcakes, decorate the house, clean house, plan outfits, or plan ANYTHING when it comes to having a birthday party for my child. And to use a suction thing on Bean's nose whenever she has a cold (something I thought went out of style after she was like, 4 months or something).
We are the kind of family that needs to remember that we CAN go with the flow, hold onto the promise of spontaniety, and appreciate the events that work out somehow, in some fashion. We SO totally need to never really plan anything. Our girl is generally happy with whatever we do, so I must learn not to overthink or put expectations on anyone or anything.
Planning, I now know, was the first mistake.
Friday night, Handsome and I cleaned like professionals and I decorated the entire dining room with some pretty gaudy "1st Birthday" paraphenalia which, for all its cheesy factor, wound up looking really nice. Heck, my child only turns 1 once.
I decimated the kitchen by baking 5 differently flavored cakes that would ultimately become the catapillar body of the Baby Einstein mascot. I hoped. I baked cupcakes as back up, and completely overdid every task on the list.
Saturday morning, Bean woke up with a serious fever of 103. After some medicine, it went down and she seemed well enough, but it was clear that we were going to need to rethink the party. Whatever was happening with my daughter needed to be shared with our guest list.
After much back and forth about what to do, we limited the "party" to family and 1 friend and her fabulous child. My poor child pretty much missed her entire 1st birthday party - she had a good time for MOST of the party - she loved seeing her girlfriend, loved getting presents and eating cupcakes, but I could see how she really wanted to beg off and go rock with Mom or Dad for 4 hours. I am not sure if we did the right thing by forging ahead with the amended party plans, but at least she got her first birthday cupcake and she seemed to have an okay time.
By Sunday morning, her condition worsened, and Handome and I knew it was an ear infection, her 5th in the past year. We decided to get her out to Patient First to see a doctor, to confirm what we already knew to be true, and to get medicine to speed her recovery.
Upon leaving the house, we discovered, of course, a flat tire on the car. So I am standing there holding my sick child while Handsome is struggling with changing the tire, which is much more complicated that your average tire change thanks to the German idea of securing tires to the rims (or something like that, according to my husband). Jiggling the Bean in what I thought was a comforting manner, I would up being generally annoying to my husband by spouting off useless commands about changing a tire, and whatever else I thought was important to share with him while he was belly up under our car.
And that is when I felt like someone was looking at me...sure enough, one of the new neighbors that recently moved down a few doors from us was peeping from his second story window. My first thought was Damn, I still haven't brought over that bottle of wine that I intended to bring for them as a welcome gift...
When the Dude saw that I caught him staring at us, he back away from the window.
My next thought: Uhm, how about acting a little neighborly and getting your Peeping Ass down here to help my husband? Or is the fact that my child is practically screaming and that I am almost in tears, and that Handsome is about to perform a whoop-ass on our German car too entertaining to you?
And it occured to me that I recognized his face - it was the same Dude who smiled at me when our same German car wouldn't start one day...two other neighbors had come out to offer thier batteries if I could get a hold of cables, and this guy just stepped by us without even offering to see if he HAD cables, which I imagine he did in his faggy gold lexus-look-alike car he drives.
Seriously, what the FUCK. We obviosuly needed help. Would it really have killed the guy to offer some assistance? They can forget about my Howdy Neighbor Intentions of giving them booze. Asshole - why don't you move back to Canton? I didn't think that this new neighborhood was like that - but apparently, yuppies are moving into the most urban areas, and continuing with thier dickhead attitudes of not being neighborly.
The tire was not getting changed by us, that much became clear, so I tossed my burning child into her car seat, literally rolled to the nearest gas station, and filled the tire with as much air as I thought it could hold so that I could get her to the doctor.
It was ridiculous, but I got her there, got the medicine, got her home, and the tire didn't blow up on us, thankfully. Of course, we still haven't gotten it fixed, but that is that part of the going-with-the-flow type of situation that I am working on.
Once we get it fixed, and the Bean is fully recovered, I think that Handsome and I should kick back with that "good intentions" bottle of wine and smile.
Bottom line, Bean is getting better, and she did have a good birthday considering the limitations.
After all was said and done, the decorations and cupcakes were tossed, Handsome and I looked at each other, and I said, "damn, our girl is 1".
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