In a Da Da World

Dear Sophia - I am blogging this since I have the best intentions of putting this into your baby diary, but know that I probably won't.
I love that you call everything Da-da. You call your father Da-Da, the window Da-Da, Grandma is Da-Da, and when you see your relfection, you whisper Da-Da.
Your other accomplishment that makes me smile is that you have learned to screech - which is currently still amusing. When you roll up to me in your car (walker), you screech at me with a wild smile, so I get down on the floor with you and we scream at each other until you are so overcome with laughter you can't.
By the way, you do not call me Da-Da. You know that I am Mamamamamamama, which you whimper when you want to get out of your crib.
Genuis Bean.
I love you.
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