Feline Family Fued

Clarence, Alabama, Blue, and Bad Cat Agnes. My four feline babies. (Bad Agnes pictured here)
There used to be six feline babes, but one went to Colorado to live with his original owner, and the other went off with an ex-boyfriend of mine. Thank God for that reduction.
So then there were four.
1. Clarence (aka The Boat or No.1) will go anywhere at anytime and be fine with life - he is the kind of cat that has remained a constant for the past ten years, and I owe him many canned tuna fish juice licks for getting me through the past.
2. Alabama (aka WeHadABamaItsAGirl) Clarence's sister, is basically a ghost...she lives behind things. Behind the dresser, behind the toilet, behind a drawer, behind the stairs. I feel sorry for her, but the other cats kick her ass so badly that she has resorted to a more hermit kind of life. I don't know why the other cats hate her so much, she really is as sweet as an animal can be. Even if she does drool and smells like poop all the time.
3. Blue (aka Baby Blue Marine, Blue FACE, Blueper, Meatwad) once had a near death experience after almost suffocating on horse manure. Although he didn't meet his maker, he came away with a few less functioning brain cells and has lost his depth perception and short term memory. But he is the most awesome little soul with the most butch walk you will ever see out of a cat.
4. And then there is Agnes. Freakin' Bad Cat Agnes. First off, Agnes is really a boy, but I didn't know that when she landed in my life and I didn't change the name after I learned the sex. She was never beaten or mistreated, but by the way EVERYTHING spooks her and the constant attempts to get out, you would assume that she had been. She is BAD BAD BAD. Everything she does is wrong. Agnes.
I love them all in their own special way, but I was tested with Agnes yesterday.
Yesterday we were having new carpets installed in the old house in order to make it more attractive. After the installation, we were surveying the work, and gathering the cats to move them to the new house. Of course, this is the worse thing that could EVER happen to Agnes, and she/he seemed to know what her fate might be.
So, we got the other cats all situated and then went after Agnes - the thirty minute catch and transport routine.
Of course, she/he ran right into one of the rooms that just got fresh new carpet and hovered in the corner like I was the Grim Reaper making a claim.
And the she/he got so worked up that she/he PEED on the new carpet.
Agnes Murphy Law applied. Don't worry. She is still alive.
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