No, really. No. REALLY.
Here's my initial email to the In-Laws...notice how I am trying to nicely say we cannot deal with you this weekend, do not show up:
(Dear Mom & Dad)
"We are making our plans to move on Sunday, and we are fortunate enough to have some friends signed up to help. We are getting the U-Haul truck rental at 9AM on Sunday morning and starting to load up then. *Handsome* and I talked about it, and if you guys want to skip coming down to help, it would be okay with us. We don't really need any additional help."
I suppose I should have been more direct?
The response I got today:
"I'm glad you have your help lined up for Sunday. I will make a pot of spaghetti sauce and bring it along."
God Help me. Please, help me. Help me be more direct.
Wow how did it go? Were you snowed in with them? Did you manage to move? What a nightmare!
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