Snow Day

The time that I spent with Handsome and the Bean this morning during the snowstorm of the week will surely become one of my favorite memories.
Sophia decided that 4 AM might just be the perfect time to join the waking world, and Handsome and I huddled under the blankets for as long as we could, trying our best to be silent so that she might forget about waking up and fall into yet another round of arm-flinging, animalesque grunting sleep sessions. It worked for a bit, but finally we pulled her Beaness out of her bassinet and cuddled her rockettes-style kicking self in between us.
It was snowing - big time - and the idea of a snow day was becoming more and more of a reality. The news reports confirmed that we could all stay in bed until at least 10 AM before trekking into work.
I forget why I dragged myself out of bed, but upon returning to the bedroom, the vision of my husband and my daughter giggling at each other, the windows a perfect backdrop with the snow swirling like a snow globe, made me pause. I had to thank the universe, the gods, all higher powers for this moment - it was pure joy. We are so lucky to be a part of this, to be a part of her life and each other's.
Snow days are now the new favorite surprise.
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