One, Two, Three, Nose, Five, Thirteen

Dear Bean Girl - You are just shy of 21 months old. How is it that in such a short amount of time, that I can't recall what life was like before you came. Your Dad and I often remark just how bored and silly we were.
Lately you are extremely interested in bellybuttons, shouting NUDE BABY IN THE HOUSE, although when you say it sounds like NUDE HOUSE. When focused, you count up to 19, but almost always, you say NOSE instead of FOUR. You call all of the cats Boat. You are very attached to anything that resembles the Baby Bear from your favorite book, The Three Little Bears. You colored all over your grandparents TV in the beach house over Father's Day weekend. You have started to feed your stuffed animals your meals.
You have been experimenting with calling me Mama, Mommy, and Meghan - my title changes with your mood. When I pick you up from Yaya's house in the afternoon, I am always Mama, and you run with all your little gusto might to meet me at the gate for a major hugging session while shouting MAMAMAMAMAMAMA, and then you demand "Okay, Mama, juice baba Okay." You won't each much beyond apricots from Yaya's tree, spaghetti, strawberries, and cheese. I am currently wondering if I shouldn't just transition you into vegetarianism along with me as you don't seem to like meat, but I am not there yet.
I tell your Giggle Grandma everyday how amazing you are, and the little things that make up your day. You are my joy, baby girl.
My favorite phrases as of late:
"Yay, I DID it"
"Oh, okay, tank uuuuu."
"Hi Mama. Hi Daddy. Hi Boat"
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